September 16, 2007, can you imagine how special it was for me to be baptised with my grandSon, Junior? He and I have been on this new journey together since February 2006. Pastor Sam baptised both of us. I went to the membership class that Pastor Sam taught and knew it had to be him to baptise us! It was an amazing day, GOD IS GOOD....ALL THE TIME!
I believe that full immersion baptism symbolizes "burial" and a "new person" being born. It's a commitment Junior and I willingly took to demonstrate visually the changes going on within us.
There are some countries that fervently prohibit Christianity and anything associated with it. For instance, in some countries people are baptised in secret so as not to be murdered for what is seen as renouncing their culture religion or belief. But their belief in God is so strong, they don't care where they are baptised; including rivers swimming with snakes, etc.

How strong is your belief? What are you willing to do in faith? Do you walk in the "world" or in the Word of God? None of us are perfect. Being baptised didn't make me perfect! It didn't make it easier to tune out the world. For me this was a show of obedience and my belief in the Word of God; the Son, Jesus; and the Holy Spirit. Will I still encounter problems? Will I have complaints? Will I have worries? Yes to all but I now know WHO to Trust, WHO to Thank, and WHO to Ask when any of it occurs! THANK YOU LORD!

This is AMAZING Jackie! Thank you for sharing your faith! You are an amazing lady and what a special time to be baptized with your grandson! HUGS!
Awesome Jackie! I am so glad that you were able to share this awesome experience with your grandson! I am sure it makes it even more special to him!
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